
I love speaking to groups, including for retreats and quiet days, church events and preaching. A key part of my leading is fostering an encounter with God. I’m happy to explore opportunities with you.

Join me!

  • Interested in an online retreat on 7 Ways to Pray? Register your interest here.
  • 1 March, Little Stoke Baptist Church (near Bristol), to explore different ways to pray, including praying with the Bible, lament and gospel imaginative prayer. Booking essential; will include lunch.
  • 3–7 March, Lee Abbey, Devon, exploring some of Paul’s letter to the Colossians and how we can shed the old self and embrace the new.
  • 31 March to 5 April, Iona with McCabe Pilgrimages. Explore 7 ways to pray in a ‘thin space’ – one of the western islands of Scotland where St. Columba introduced the Christian faith to Britain. A trip to savor and remember.
  • 19–21 September, St Katharine’s, Parmoor, Henley-on-Thames, for a weekend together in the lovely surroundings, including the Lady Ryder walled garden. We’ll be praying with our bodies and the Bible.
  • 14 to 16 November, Penhurst Retreat Centre, for a cozy weekend around the big fireplace to explore our new selves in Christ through Paul’s letter to the Colossians.

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11160596_10153264802324330_403975405774209805_o-27 Ways to Pray – Time-Tested Practices to Encounter God

  • Praying with and through the Bible: Exploring how we can encounter God through Scripture.
  • The Indwelling God – Practicing His Presence: Opening our eyes to the wonder of God in our midst.
  • Hearing God: God longs to speak to his children, and as we open our ears and hearts, we’ll start to hear his still, small voice.
  • The Prayer of Lament: We explore some of the language of lament in the Bible as a way of giving God our disappointment and yearning.
  • Imaginative Gospel Prayer: We enter into the gospel scene with our imaginations. 
  • The Examen: We prayerfully looking back over the day, to mark the soul’s movements with God. 
  • How to Keep a Spiritual Journal: A practical workshop on how to release your inner writer as you communicate with God.

13433151_10157117035600268_2668686706723465825_oFriendship with God

Jesus loved his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and their home in Bethany was his second home. As we unpack the three gospel stories we explore action and contemplation, faith and doubt, despair and longing, resurrection and hope, sacrificial love and the meaning of home.

Living in Christ: The Wisdom of Colossians for Today

We explore the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians and consider what it means to live in Christ and for Christ. We focus on the incomparable Christ, and how as redeemed believers we leave behind our old selves as we become more like Jesus day by day.

The Living Cross: Embracing the Gift of Forgiveness

We explore the theme of the living cross, and how through it God gives us the gifts of forgiveness and new life. Looking at stories from the Old Testament and the New, we reacquaint ourselves with forgiveness – which is such a basic tenet of our faith that we may take it for granted. We experience the living power of the cross, at which we exchange our hurtful thoughts and actions for God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.

Beloved of God: Exploring our Christian Identity

What does it mean to be God’s beloved? How can we shed the false names of the “old self” that we may have adopted – worthless, controlling, fearful, worrier – and embrace the new name that God wants to bestow on us? We explore the spiritual practices that will help us live as the new creation in Christ. As we learn to forgive ourselves and others, and to hear God, we can move into freedom and release.

Living Water: Coming to the Source for Refreshing and Cleansing

Water. It’s the stuff of life – we’re made of it and can’t live without it. Although it can become stagnant and poisoned, fresh water brings renewal and cleansing. We explore some deep meanings of water – from the water that existed before the creation of the earth to Jesus, the source of living water. I provide time for reflection along with prayer exercises to engage with.

What They Say…

“Amy has led retreats with us here in Spain since 2012 and is now the first name in our speaker invitation list every year. She never disappoints with her thoughtful reflection, diligent preparation and willingness to adapt and personalise her material to meet the various needs of the retreat attendants.” Mike Jowett, El Palmeral

“Having experienced for the first time a prayer retreat led by Amy, I can only say don’t think about it – book yourself on one. Challenging, encouraging, revitalising and enjoying God’s presence are just some of the benefits!”

At the BRF/Woman Alive day at the Christian Resources Exhibition
At the BRF/Woman Alive day at the Christian Resources Exhibition; photo credit Bex Lewis

“The most special moment for me was when we were writing down all the names that we have been called and handed them over at the cross. The time of listening and the name Jesus has for me has helped me a great deal. An entirely different way to how I have been seeing myself and will certainly help me in the future as I find it very easy to put myself down.”

“Hearing Amy say ‘use your name’ [when reading the Bible] was an eye opener. Read slowly, chew over the passage, respond to it and contemplate … praise and begin again. Even more so when I pulled Isaiah 43:1b-2 from the pile of slips. And started reading … the hair on my head felt as if it stood on end, and the more I read it and contemplated it the more amazing it was.”

Fast-fire responses from a retreat at Lee Abbey, Devon:

  • Amy was excellent – clear and non-judgmental.
  • An excellent group facilitator and I liked her as a person too!
  • Amy is exceptional because she is so real and approachable.
  • Very inspiring, motivating and practical in her teaching on prayer.

Promotional materials for venues

Below are bios and photographs that can be used for promoting your event. You’ll find some blurbs on my speaking topics here – do be in touch if you would like to tweak any of these.

Amy Boucher Pye is a writer, speaker and spiritual director and is the author of several books, including 7 Ways to PrayShe writes for publications such as globally recognized Our Daily Bread and New Daylight. She has an MA in Christian spirituality from the University of London and enjoys leading retreats. She lives with her family in North London. Find her at amyboucherpye.com.

Amy Boucher Pye is a London-based writer, speaker, and spiritual director. She has written six books, including Transforming Love (Form, 2023) and Holding onto Hope (BRF, 2023), and has an MA in Christian spirituality from Heythrop College, University of London. Find her at amyboucherpye.com.

Photo credit: Daniel Mick
Photo credit: Daniel Mick