Do you have a word for the year?

Do you have a word for the year?
For the last decade I’ve enjoyed choosing a word for the year instead of making New Year’s resolutions – amazing to think it’s been that many years. I’ve blogged about this topic a bit over the years if you’d like to read more, including how to discern your word with God.
I haven’t yet settled on my word for 2024. I think it will have a “re” at the beginning – some of the words I’m playing with are renew, restore, rejuvenate, recover, rejoice. My word last year was “renew” – I’m wondering about renewing renew as my word, as a friend commented! Shifting the narrative from having failed at the word in 2023 to renewing its place in my life. Hmm.
I’d love to hear your word, if you have one and feel able to share.