
‘More Than a Prayer List’ by Anne Le Tissier: 7 Ways to Pray blog series

Anne shares vulnerably about getting overwhelmed by her prayer lists – while having nothing against this way of praying. She is a woman of prayer who has much to offer. She encourages us to keep in tune with God and look to him for how we pray. I welcome you to read on. . .

It was Mum I missed most when we moved away from our small island home of Guernsey to London’s vast metropolis. Prior to the advent of email, texts and Facetime, she and I kept in touch through snail-mail and a fortnightly 59 minute, 59 second landline call. This was our special weekend perk; free calls for up to an hour before the charges kicked in. A vital and deeply special point of contact.

To make best use of that time we kept lists of the things we wanted to ask or tell one another, taking turns to work through our points. ‘Anything else on your list?’ we’d say as the minutes drained away, invariably running out before we could enjoy free-flow conversation.

But when Mum came to visit, we relished simply being together. Listening, talking or enjoying silent companionship with our favourite brew, engaging at a deeper level… This precious principle still nurtures my relationship with God.

In contrast, when I started following Jesus, I was advised to keep a prayer list. But my personal needs alongside family, friends, church, charities and mission organisations, not least educational bodies, health agencies, governments and worldwide issues, fast outgrew a list. In fact, they could have filled a shelf of notebooks! And whether I prayed for ten minutes or an hour a day, it was impossible to pray about everything, even over the course of a week.

I have nothing against prayer lists. They’re a helpful prompt and focus my attention on needs aside of my own. I still keep a shorter list and receive a couple of prayer diaries for certain people and situations God has specifically laid on my heart. But God never expected us to be pray for everyone and everything we hear about. Nor did He intend for prayer to be a ‘to-do’ list; a task that leaves us feeling guilty, ashamed or an underrate Christian if we fail to pray through the endless needs bombarding us. Prayer is so much more than just asking. Like my relationship with Mum, prayer is God’s gift to help us enjoy His presence and engage at a deeper level.

Just being with God in prayer is key, whether through enjoying a pot of tea or stomping up hills and along river banks or strolling through bustling streets. Loving and being loved by God in meaningful, transformative relationship is about being in prayer rather than doing it. Of sitting or walking with God to seek and to hear His heart. Taking time to nurture the infinite pleasure of dwelling—remaining, settling—in the awareness of His presence.

Amy’s book, 7 Ways to Pray, is a perfect companion to develop and enrich this encounter with God; helping us to prayerfully meet Him through His Word, through lament, through the practice of examen or the mindful awareness of His presence through the day.

Asking in Jesus’ name, wrestling in prayer and interceding for others are vital, but how tiresome a task these prayers might be if not birthed from a heartfelt relationship. One of sharing and listening. Of pondering what has been said. Of thanks and adoration. Of laughing and crying. Of honesty. Transparency. And relishing times available for silent companionship; assured, at peace and infused with the pleasure of each other’s company.

So, please don’t ditch your prayer lists, but ask God what He has entrusted you to pray for, and try balancing that time with space to just be with Him in prayer.

Anne Le Tissier loves to disciple others in their ongoing walk with God as an author, preacher and conference speaker. She has written six books, contributed to a seventh, but also writes daily Bible reading notes, blogs and magazine articles. Anne also enjoys growing her own veg, chatting to her chickens and sharing quality time over meals with friends. You can find out more about her work or connect with her on social media through her website www.anneletissier.com

Order 7 Ways to Pray here, including in the US, UK, and Australia. You’ll also find lots of resources for small groups – videos and a leader’s guide – here.

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