When things don’t go to plan

I recently came across a document filed away in Evernote entitled, “Dream schedule for book writing and publishing,” which I penned initially in late 2016. I had set myself a course of the books I wanted to write—along with the MA in Christian spirituality I was in the thick of then in 2016.
My dreams haven’t been realized according to that schedule. Although I released a small-group guide last year, I haven’t published a “proper” book for all these five years. I also thought that I wasn’t ready to write my “big” book—that’s the “Nudges of Grace” at the end of the list. I thought I needed to turn to the other books, on what I saw as more niche topics, before I could handle the book on prayer.
I’ve not kept to my schedule, but I see the grace in those years—the time to think and develop through my master’s degree, the opportunity to recover after spending myself in that academic pursuit along with the other stuff going on in our lives at that time, the other speaking and writing I was able to do. We aren’t machines and we can trust in God’s grace when things don’t go to (our) plan.
I like to say that God is my Publishing Director, in the phraseology of Psalm 23 (as I write in this blog). I can understand now how I’ve needed that time to develop and grow as a person and as a writer. Now I am ready to release the “Nudges of Grace” book, which will be published as the far better title of 7 Ways to Pray this autumn by NavPress in the States and SPCK/Form in the UK. It incorporates so much of what I learned in the MA, along with my years of leading retreats and prayer exercises.
I also get to partner with my dad in what I’m seeing as a bonus book, Celebrating Christmas, which is a combo of his fantastic art and my reflections in a beautiful four-color book (also coming this autumn, published here in the UK by BRF). The book was an idea of the lovely people at BRF, and that we can publish a four-colour in the tough times of retail I see as a gift.*
You might feel anxious, if you’re a writer, to be making progress on your dream publishing schedule. Substitute writer for lots of other situations—for when you can see your far-flung friends and family, when you get that promotion, when you recover from the latest health concern, when you can reopen, and so on. The challenge for us all is to stay present in the moment. For Christians, to abide with Christ right here and right now, practicing his presence and trusting him for the hard stuff while rejoicing with him over the good stuff.
May you know God’s love and care—wherever you find yourself on your schedule.
* I’d better use the British spelling to honour my publisher!