Five Minute Friday: What’s Your Potential?

Are there more damning words?
As I think about potential, I find I’m reeling a bit from my team’s second loss of the season last night. The Minnesota Vikings were lauded as the ones to watch, the ones with all of the potential to win, but the reality doesn’t seem to be meeting those grand hopes. Their record of one win, two losses, and a dreaded tie leaves me uncertain.
But more important than a football team’s status, what about the effect of those words spoken over us, either by friends or loved ones or observers? Someone’s negative assessment can leave us feeling deflated and unwilling to put ourselves out there again. We can begin to question whether we have anything to contribute.
The antidote is not to listen to all of those voices, but to turn, again, to the Audience of One. When we hear His words of love and affirmation, we know that we are fully loved. Whispers of potential fade away when we know our worth is rooted in Him.
I am taking part in the #fiveminutefriday community. To write your own and link up with the other writers, you can do so here.
You are absolutely right. The Father’s opinion is the only one that matters—not only when others fail to see our potential, but even when they do see it. We rely far too heavily on the opinions of others when all we really need is God’s approval. Thank you for sharing your thoughts today. Visiting from FMF 27.
So true! Which voices we listen to can make all the difference! So comforting to know that we are God’s beloved and He wants only the best for us. Visiting you from FMF39