
Devotional of the week: Free from; free to (3 in Fruit of the Spirit series)

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:7–14)

In the text we’re reading this week, Paul doesn’t shy away from strong language. If it doesn’t put you off your cereal or sandwich, think through exactly what he’s saying in verse 12. Yes, this is no dry treatise, but rather a passionate missive to win the hearts and minds of a community of believers being led astray. Their fruit would wither on the vine as they embraced, step by step, a false gospel.

Paul yearns that the Galatians would live in the freedom that Christ earned for them. They are free from, and free to. Free from the law (but as we said last week, when living by the Spirit, we’ll yet live according to the law); free to love and serve.

Living in step with the Spirit means following the nudges we might sense from God throughout the day. Instead of walking past the acquaintance on the street, pretending we don’t glimpse them, we stop and chat. And hear of their tooth pain and family brokenness, and we pray for them, there and then at the street corner. That’s following the greatest commandment – loving our neighbor as ourselves – out of a loving obedience to God’s whispers. All the while being grateful that we can hear God and share his neverending love.

Other times it’s harder to love our neighbors as ourselves. Perhaps that neighbor is actually our husband, with whom we are annoyed for some earthy and mundane reason. When we put aside our frustration and repent of our harsh words, loudly spoken, we show love and humility. (And how did you guess, I’m writing about myself and my own struggles!)

How might loving your neighbor take shape for you today? Anticipate how God will work through you.

Prayer: Lord God, we confess that we often fail to love as you love. Help us overcome our selfishness as we reflect your attractive love. Amen.


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