The Lord is my Sat Nav

Our host for the day was the wonderful Janet Aspey, minister of Altrincham Methodist Church, who also led the worship with Fiona Simpson – a legendary folk singer with a most amazing voice!
I’ve written several times here about personalizing Psalm 23 and how meaningful that can be. Over the weekend I led a day for women at Altrincham Methodist Church, and ended the first session with this exercise. A few of the ladies read their version out at the end, which I loved hearing. And I’m so thrilled to share two of them with you today.
They both resonate with me, but my family and friends will see the particular ways I can relate to the first one! Driving and directions are for me huge areas of challenge, and I love the thought of the Lord being my sat-nav. Mabel R. Nyazika has kindly shared it:
The Lord is my sat nav
I shall not be diverted
He makes me stay on course for my sanity’s sake.
He helps me gaze on my life’s journey,
and makes me aware of others on the journey too.
When I take wrong turns and moves because of life’s distractions
He re-calculates my step and sends me back on the road.
I will trust in his guidance and concern
My confidence is enhanced.
He reminds me of all the dangers of the road
He nudges me every time I doze off behind the wheel
And assures me of his presence
and calms me down always keeping me safe.
Surely his guidance and direction will comfort me
all the days of my life
I will trust and lean on his leading
for ever and ever.
I think when I hear my GPS saying “recalculating,” I’ll think of Mabel’s psalm!
And I also love Carole Crossley’s version, which speaks right to the heart with how she sees God’s love and protection:
The Lord is my strength, my power and might,
He gathers me under his wing and protects my spiralling thoughts,
He enriches my life in protection and friendship,
He soaks up my never-ending tears and lays a clean path before me,
I gaze at his tremendous provision and I am awestruck,
He covers my iniquities, encouraging a new balance in my struggles.
The Lord overcomes my fears with his tenderness,
When I am alone and cowering, he wraps me in his arms,
He Spurs me on to tackle each new problem, in his light,
The Lord focusses my vision, as I see his magnificent acts,
He teaches me thankfulness; he never leaves me,
In him, I am able, I can do it and I will!
How might you personalize Psalm 23 today?
I did a personalised version many years ago when I did a ‘Certificate in Christian studies’ I’n sure that I still have it – somewhere!