
A New Book Is Nearly Born!

living-cross-full-coverI brim with excitement to share with you the birth of book baby #2. Yes, I know, I’m still reeling from my lovely firstborn, dashing around the country sharing it from Hove to Glasgow, so how this second-born has gestated is a bit of a mystery! I don’t think there will be any sibling rivalry – at least I hope not. As with real children, these are different babies.

The Living Cross: Exploring God’s Gift of Forgiveness and New Life looks at this life-giving theme of forgiveness in the Old Testament and the New. I interweave modern-day stories alongside the biblical, and when I was writing I never failed to be inspired by the freedom this gift imparts – to the giver and the receiver.

To celebrate the birth, we’re having a book launch at our church, St Paul’s Finchley, at 10am on 13 November. As it’s Remembrance Day, I’ll be starting my sermon with the opening illustration in the book, taken from the thought-provoking book The Sunflower, which asks the question posed by a Jewish survivor of World War 2: Would you forgive? We’ll follow by a book signing and lunch.

You’re welcome to come, especially if an ocean doesn’t separate us! Do let me know if you plan to attend so we can sort the catering: amy@amyboucherpye.com.

Ya hoo and hooray and thank you, Lord!

To preorder The Living Cross, click here, as well as to read some amazing endorsements.

3 Responses

  1. Looks wonderful… so pleased for you. Well done, Amy!

  2. Penelope Swithinbank

    Great new, Amy! Wish I could join you in November but will be not he other side of The Pond!

  3. Congratulations – brilliant news. Would love to hear your sermon but can’t make it 🙁

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