Longing for Home

When Nicholas and I first married, we agreed to call the place where we were living “home.” Not only did this help us in the biblical injunction of “leaving and cleaving,” (leaving one’s family of origin as a new family is created) but it aided us emotionally. If someone asked me, a newcomer to the UK, when I was “going home,” I’d say, “I am home! But I have a trip to the States planned in…” The words we use can help us define our emotions – we sometimes have to educate our feelings.
Home is a lovely concept – I think of my parents’ home in Minnesota, which although isn’t my home any longer does feel like home, with its lack of clutter and ultra clean space to feel comfortable in while chatting to my family, or the screened-in porch in which to sit and watch the passing deer and wild turkeys (yes in the suburbs of St. Paul!). Or I think of the top floor of a house in Philadelphia where dear friends lived while studying at Westminster Theological Seminary, where I spent many a Thanksgiving. It was only two rooms – and the dishes were washed in the bathtub – but the rafters reverberated with refrains of songs and laughter. Or I remember the historic (for America) house I worked out of for many years and the lovely family who dwelled there, complete with my favorite black lab/golden retriever. On this side of the Atlantic, I picture the homes of dear friends and the meals shared around their tables.
I could continue in my list, but these places are personal and won’t evoke the feelings of home in you that they do in me. But a common theme of these places where I’ve felt at home lies in the people who make them homey – their welcome, love, grace, and open hearts. They who follow the Master Homemaker bring his kingdom to earth in the homes they create here.
Where do you find home?
During this time of being more grounded because of my husbands illness God has been working in me.
For a long while now,if I m very honest,I ve been running myself ragged.I ve found the allure of retail therapy and coffee shops irresistible,spending too much and neglecting my home and all that it holds.Its so theraputic for me to confess this,you ve no idea! This week while checking finances I knew it had to stop.God prompted me today to make a list of things under my own roof that I ve lost pleasure in.Music,resting,,journalling,sewing etc.New things too I feel.Enjoying my husbands company ,sorting family photos,dog walking with friends and their dogs.Today I shopped with cash,askong for God s help.I felt set free in many ways.My home is a terraced house in Milto Keynes,old furniture,ratjsr shabby,cosy and full of memories.9 grandchildren have filled its rooms with love and fun,and still do.We are growing old and lack energy so often,but I want to let my home refress me
Ellen, I love how God works in our lives, through his gentle nudges and prompts. And what joy we can find in obedience! I pray that you’ll ENJOY your home, and that it will feel a gift and a pleasure full of treasures. It’s so easy to get overcommitted – to run. I know the feeling! Thank you; thank you for sharing. Bless you!
I have long said that home is where our wifi router is.
If home is where my heart is, then my home is in many places around the world. Realizing this didn’t come without struggle, though. For our first couple of years as expats, I longed to call a place home. I needed a place where I belonged. Now, I have come to love that I don’t belong anywhere but I belong everwhere and that I wouldn’t truly feel at home until I reach my final and eternal destination – no wifi needed.