Yes, says the Lord

Photo: *_Abhi_* on flickr
In Christ, the answer is “Yes.” I was chewing over 2 Corinthians 1:1–11 recently, thinking about how God wants us to know this Divine Affirmation. Yes, he says. Yes. Yes!
Do you believe in Christ’s Yes for you?
God our Father God of compassion God of comfort God of love Troubles and pressure Despaired we of life Deadly peril over us The sentence of death But God the deliverer In whom we rely In him our hope Deliverance continued Helped by prayers The communion of saints Thanks we return Favor granted For God is faithful No mixed messages In Jesus it’s Yes Promises kept No limit to promises In Christ all Yes Through him, Amen God be glorified Standing firm in Christ Anointed are we His ownership seal Set by God And in our hearts His Spirit a deposit Guaranteeing What is to come On 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 © 2014 by Amy Boucher Pye