
How do we create?

DSCN2915We, the creatures of a creative God, are poised for creation and collaboration (and sorry about all those c’s). I was so struck by this last week I was in sunny Spain with an animated, gifted group of women as I led the retreat portion of the retreat/holiday at El Palmeral. We were looking at our identity in Christ, with each session having a hands-on component of prayer and/or creation.

DSCN2911One of the activities was to make a picture that represents different parts of our identity – what names does God call us? I laid out glitter glue, fabrics, beads, and colored papers, and said something like, “Off you go!” To which my friends seemed to look at me blankly, and one said she didn’t know where to start. I launched into a prayer asking God to release the works that were within us.

DSCN2913He did. As we reflected later, we realized that one thought would pop into our head, and we’d go with that, which then would lead us to another, and another. Step by step we formed the pictures. We created together in a group yet in silence, with instrumental hymns in the background that also in some cases sparked memories and thoughts.

DSCN2926I find the same experience happens when I write. I might come to the blank page with no idea what I’m going to say, but a hint of an idea will pop into my head, which I take and examine and knead and explore… leading to the next thought, and the next.

God the Creator, who made us to create with him. An awe-inspiring thought.

DSCN2912How about you? How do you find the creative process?

(With thanks to the creators of these pictures for permission to include here. Each picture has layers of meaning that I found incredibly moving.)

5 Responses

  1. I have found that working with silver clay, has brought out a creative side that I never believed I possessed. I look for creative ideas in all of God’s creation and find that I am easily inspired either to make something, or to just thank God for his creation!

    1. Riekie, your silver is gorgeous. Thanking God for his working through you!

  2. Whenever a writing idea pops into my head or I observe something I might want to write about, I put it on “the list.” Then when it is time to write, I most often go to the list to see what speaks to me. Sometimes an original thought morphs into a new one, especially recently because I did not write much for more than a year, concentrating instead on my business. I think God loves to see us consider, create, share (sorry, only two C’s!–especially when what we do points to him, even in the smallest, most subtle ways.

    1. Jean – the list! Of course. Thanks for sharing. I agree; I have bits and bobs and morning pages and random thoughts scattered here and there. I should be more organized and put them into The List. We need to start with something, don’t we; however small.

  3. Pingback : Amy Boucher Pye guest-posts on her writing process and her work in progress - Dreaming Beneath the Spires

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