
An Advent Poem

Photo by iProzac found on flickr

Photo by iProzac found on flickr

Regular followers of this blog (love ya, Dad!) will note that I’ve been silent since Thanksgiving. Advent can be a shockingly busy time, which is ironic I know. Regular service here will resume in January, but here’s an Advent poem I recently came across, which I wrote in 1997. It’s admittedly on the twee side, but written with heartfelt devotion.

A young virgin years ago
Looked up and beheld a sight:
An angel, clothed in white
Resplendent to view; cloaked in light.
With greetings this angel came
With blessing to bestow on Mary.
But troubled and fearful was she
O what can this angel verily mean?
Fear not, dear Mary, said he,
For the Lord is truly with you.
You will be with child and bear a son,
And the name you are to call him is Jesus.
This son will be great indeed
He will be called the Son of the Most High.
Taking the throne of his father David,
He will reign forever; his kingdom will not end.
Mary listened and pondered anew.
How could what the angel said be true?
For a young virgin, so pure, she remained;
Though betrothed, no man knew she.
With grace these concerns were answered:
The Holy Spirit, Gabriel said, will come upon you;
And the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
You will bear a child who is holy.
O Mary, Gabriel cried, believe me!
Your child the son of God will be.
And he will reign over the house of Jacob
For with God, nothing impossible can be.
With humble heart Mary believed and knew,
That what the angel said must certainly be true.
The Lord’s servant I am, said she,
May it be to me as you have said.
O blessed are they who believe
That what the Lord has said will be.
Come, rejoice in the Lord with me;
Leap for joy and glorify our Savior!
© 1997 Amy Boucher Pye

2 Responses

  1. Chris

    I’m sure that could be put to music, to go with the other ‘twee’ carols!!

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