Rapping to the Lord’s Prayer
But these budding nearly teens are a wonderful bunch. Filled with great questions and strong opinions. I have to check my church jargon at the door and remember to keep it real and authentic. And I come away glad to have been a part of their discussions.
So on Sunday we were looking at Acts 4, all about how the once-frightened Peter, who betrayed Jesus those three times, was now bold and winsome and filled with the Holy Spirit as he and John explained their actions to the religious leaders and defended the new thing God was doing. One of our activities was to explore some of the Scripture in rap form, courtesy of Scripture Union. We read the two raps aloud, jiving and moving to the beat. Then, to my surprise, we wrote our own.
Now I should stress that I didn’t think we’d have success in this exercise – group writing and all of that. I thought it would be beyond us. But lo and behold, we put down the first line, and then the next, and the next. And a rap was born. Okay, so it’s more of a lyrical poem than a rap, but here, for your reading pleasure, is the Lord’s Prayer rendered by us (best read aloud):
Dad up above!
Awesome is your name
Your city breaking in
We’re following your way
Here on the ground
As up above.
Can you give us our grub
And free us from our mess
As we free others who screw us up.
Please hold us back from doing bad
And keep us far away
From the angel who fell.
Cause yours is the city
And yours is the force;
You simply are the best
Each and every day.
Oh yeah!
© 2013 Regina Baidoo, Amy Boucher Pye, Helen Fox
So tell me: are you called to ministry to children? If so, what are the rewards and the challenges?
How about writing a biblical rap? Share it in the comments!
I led the age 7-11 group for some years at a previous church. I must admit I’m not keen on working with children now I’m older! Love the rap!
Love it!
read it I’m no good at rapping but loved it so real .That’s the way kids are .
Thanks everyone! Blessings to you.
Hey amy – we would like to use these lyrica for a Lords Prayer Rap with the music of Hamilton … could we have permission to use?
I’ve replied to your email – thanks so much for asking!