
I’ve written seven books and resources to help you encounter the living, loving God. 

Holding onto Hope: a gorgeously produced hardback with 40 of my reflections and my dad’s paintings on the theme of hope as found in biblical images (trees clapping their hands, streams in the desert…).

Transforming Love: how friendship with Jesus changes us, as rooted in the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Includes prayer exercises to help you deepen your relationship with Jesus.

7 Ways to Pray: a hands-on exploration of 7 ancient prayer practices (praying with the Bible, hearing God) to help you encounter God.

Celebrating Christmas: 25 inspiring reflections and paintings for the Advent and Christmas seasons in a beautiful hardback.

The Prayers of Jesus: a six-week course, perfect for Lent, exploring 6 of Jesus’s 7 prayers from the gospel.

The Living Cross: a through-the-Bible daily journey through God’s gift of forgiveness.

Finding Myself in Britain: a through-the-year look at life in the UK, exploring themes of faith, home, and our true identity.