Friendship Fridays: My best friend by Liz Pacey

It’s a delight to hear of the deep friendship that Liz and Norman had in their marriage. Perhaps her reflections will lead you to pray for a married couple today?
I never quite let my husband forget his statement that I was wearing a red track suit when we met. I have never owned such a garment! I was happier with the husky voice he described… but I did have a cold at the time. Although I confess that in the early days he sulked when I beat him at Scrabble, and gave a hearty laugh when someone asked him if I was going to join him in the church choir.
Sadly this February I lost Norman to Alzheimer’s disease after 31 years of marriage and 32 years of friendship. Yes, he really was my best friend.
His funeral was an amazing testament to friendship. I was overcome by the 100-strong congregation of family, church family and friends, the messages from far and wide. Not to mention the rousing hymns.
These months on, old friends remain faithful and I am full of gratitude for their love and caring support. New friendships are emerging as I settle into my new life across the city. God is good!

I’d like to share with you Norman’s eulogy:
So many people have been saying recently what a great encourager Norman was. Eight months after we met at Scargill House, a Christian community in the Yorkshire Dales, we began to exchange letters. It was a tough time in my life and Norman’s encouragement shone through his words, off the paper and into my heart. This man is definitely worth investigating further.
A meeting at Betty’s in York introduced me to the high life… cucumber sandwiches without the crusts. An evening service at St Michael Le Belfrey and a hug exchanging the peace sealed our fate, and the rest as they say is history.
Fast forward some years to the Christian Cursillo weekend Norman led at Wydale Hall near Scarborough. Both a tremendous feat and blessing for him. Each weekend is named after a saint and Norman chose St Barnabas, the encourager. How fitting.
I count myself so privileged and blessed to have had so many wonderful years with this man who never stopped encouraging me, supporting me, and just being there for me. God brought us together and blessed us in so many ways. Rest in peace, my lovely Norman.

Liz Pacey: former nurse, midwife, home visitor for visually impaired. Freelance writer. Giver of talks to anyone who will listen. Compulsive knitter and crocheter with a keen interest in craft and spirituality.
Explore friendship with Jesus in Transforming Love. Find it – including a free copy of the introduction and first chapter – here.