Friends with Jesus

“Your flight has been canceled.” The notification popped up on my phone during team-building sessions. I tried to stay focused on the intense conversations about our personality styles while wondering what new travel plans I would need to embrace. Knowing that my driving nature can get things done but can also alienate others, I wanted to be present in the meeting. I breathed a prayer, asking Jesus to help me.
When we had a break, I looked for alternative flights home and saw that I’d have to stay another night. The delay settled like the proverbial final straw breaking the camel’s back; I felt pushed and prodded, exhausted from jetlag, deadlines, and the canker sores that appeared from a lack of sleep. I managed to hold my emotions together, but when a colleague expressed loving concern for me, I couldn’t suppress my tears any longer. As I tried to stifle my sobs, she took me to a private room, listened to me with grace, gave me the space to recollect myself, and reminded me where I could visit the ladies’ room to ensure the remnants of my tears didn’t pepper my face. In those harried moments she emulated Jesus’ friendship to me. I knew that she was part of His answer to my earlier arrow prayer.
[Read the rest at God Hears Her.]