Friendship Fridays: Sharing our burdens with Jesus by Michelle Vergara

What a compelling look into how we can sit with the hard stuff of life, but not on our own – with our best Friend. I hope you’ll be encouraged by Michelle’s thoughtful approach to companions who have weaseled their way into her life:
Recently God has been teaching me to “make friends” with the rough stuff of this broken world – the fears, the worries, the trials, the sorrows, the annoyances. They are as much my constant companions as the beautiful people who surround me. And while I’ve always thanked God for my loved ones, I’m slowly learning to live the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:18:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
As a follower and lover of Jesus, I’m called to give thanks in all circumstances, not just for what and who bring me joy and comfort. My mind knows this; it knows I can’t befriend life’s hardships on my own, through my own efforts. Since I know this cognitively, I thought I was already living this out – inviting God into and thanking Him for this inner circle of lifelong “pals” who teach me lessons only they can. But my growing fatigue and impatience give me away. They are clues to this truth – I have not included my best Friend in the collection of my companions of fear and worry and trials and sorrow and annoyance. Jesus told me that in this world, I could count on them! He also told me I could count on Him – His peace has overcome the world! (John 16:33) But my weariness and irritation let me know I’ve been holding on to my heavy burden – I haven’t made the exchange for His light one. I haven’t been truly counting on Him, but have been leaning on my own efforts to cope and manage and play nice.

In Jesus alone, through His Holy Spirit, I have the capacity and the space to walk with my inevitable, albeit unwanted, mates. Only with my best Friend in me and beside me can I welcome them and thank God for how they are transforming me into His image.
What’s true for me is true for you too. How can you welcome Jesus into the unwanted hardships in your life?

Michelle Vergara gratefully shares life with Derek, her husband of 32 years and Jared, her son of 25 years, both of whom make her laugh and help her daily to be who God intends her to be. She also enjoys the fun and joyous company of her 6 Italian brothers and sisters, nieces, and nephews. Michelle has worked for 36 years in education with children ages birth through college who are neurodiverse with developmental and learning differences. She currently works at Stowell Learning Center, a private cognitive educational program in Southern California. The children and families she has the privilege of working with always inspire her. Michelle enjoys her time with Jesus; spending time with her husband, son, and extended family; singing; reading (especially about health, wellness, nutrition, and the brain); writing; and spending as much time as possible at the beach.
Explore friendship with Jesus in Transforming Love. Find it – including a free copy of the introduction and first chapter – here.