“The Change Gratitude Brings” by Teresa O’Driscoll: 7 Ways to Pray blog series

How gratitude can lead to change and intimacy with God… I love Teresa’s account of this simple but profound practice, which has led to transformation in her life. How might you incorporate giving thanks into your morning routine?

Many years ago, after reading yet another of those news reports where, after a near-death experience, someone found a new appreciation of life, I decided to follow their example of appreciation – thankfully without the trauma! That began by expressing gratitude to God, first of all, for waking up; for the gift of a new day. I have shared the following short routine in my workshops, articles, and in my new prayer guide, Pray Then Listen, A heart-to heart with God.
Hands and Thanks
As soon as you wake up speak to God, saying, “Thank You, dear Lord, for the gift of this new day.”
Open your eyes, brush one hand over the other. Then say something like this: “Thank You, dear heavenly Father, that I can still see, feel, and move, and for all the other workings of my body.”
This simple routine brought a huge benefit to my life as in doing this I had begun to make Christ the foundation of my day. Following on from that, the natural progression was to invite Him to share my day. Every part of it. That meant that, on top of my formal prayers, I began to speak to God informally too. If I had a challenge to face – I asked for His help. A task to carry out, as it twisted and turned – I asked His advice. Saw something beautiful in nature – I praised Him. Working as a journalist – I specifically asked His help with my writing. And so on so on.
All of this had also moved me into the two-way street of prayer. Instead of using God as a sort of sounding board, I was talking to Him from my heart and then expectantly listening and watching for His answers. My life has been enriched beyond measure.
When I began to read Amy’s 7 Ways to Pray, Time-tested practices for encountering God I recognized a fellow practitioner of this way to live. I could identify with much of her walk with Christ. The specifics of her life were very different to mine but her life’s journey led to the same place: that wondrous close relationship with our Living Lord. For this reason, I love Amy’s book! With the Bible as the hub I enjoy being refreshed by authentic, well-written, books such as hers which show us how to draw ever-closer to our Maker.
On my own path I realized some time ago that, in the way I now lived, I was actually edging towards that high goal of continuous prayer highlighted by St Paul: “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17.
All this began by simple gratitude for each new day.

Teresa O’Driscoll, born and raised in Cardiff, Wales, spent many years working as a journalist in Athens, Greece. Now back in her native city she writes books, articles and blogs, and runs writing and spiritual / self-development workshops. Her latest book, Pray Then Listen, A heart-to-heart with God is published by Circle Books. Visit her at her website.
Order 7 Ways to Pray here for more ways to encounter God. Sign up for Amy’s monthly newsletter, including a prayer practice.