‘Practicing God’s Presence: God in my everything’ by Ruth O’Reilly-Smith: 7 Ways to Pray blog series

Reading Ruth’s blogpost makes me smile. I love hearing her story of noticing God at work through his creation, as the robin darted to and fro during her daily walk. Practicing God’s presence can be achieved simply by noticing. I trust you’ll enjoy Ruth’s post – and do check out her lovely new book too (details in her bio).

I’d just finished my radio show for the day and as is my habit, I headed out the studios and down the lane for a brisk walk to the telephone pole and back before tucking into my lunch and preparing for the next day’s guests. As I made my way to the lane through the car park, I spotted a robin. I love that bird and seeing him there made me smile. “Thank you Lord for letting me see him.”
The broadcast studios are in a beautiful country setting with wide, expansive views and on this particular day, the sun was streaming down as I picked up my pace. The lane is lined with a hedge on either side and within in a few short meters I spotted the robin again. He darted out and hopped on the road in front of me. I laughed out loud and pointed, “I see you!” and then, he was gone, back into the hedge. I lifted my head to the horizon, closed my eyes for a moment and felt the warmth of the early afternoon sun sink deep into my skin. I breathed in and felt a sense of wonder. “I love you my Lord. I worship you. Thank you God that I get to do this. Thank you for helping me today. Thank you for my guests. Thank you for the listeners. Jesus please heal Mary and intervene on Steve’s behalf. Thank you for making a way for Marion to hear that song today. Forgive me Lord for being short with my colleague. I’m sorry. I worship you. ”
Out darts the robin from the hedge again. “That’s you Lord! I see you!” I laugh again. “That’s you Holy Spirit. That’s you! I see you. Thank you my God.” I laugh again. I’m smiling big now. I sense the presence of God all around me, like all of creation is singing His praise. The robin darts out of the hedge and hops on the road ahead of me a few more times before disappearing altogether. I feel a lightness within me. I know I am seen by my Maker. I am loved.
I go for a walk most days after my show. It’s an opportunity for me to process the last few hours and gives me a chance to encounter God in creation, but it doesn’t always result in the experience I’ve just described. It’s often far more mundane, but I am intentional about using the opportunity to reflect on the show and speak to God about the things on my mind and in my heart.
The story of the robin illustrates the way I’ve learnt to pray in recent years though and perhaps it’s something you can try. I’ve become deliberate about including God in everything. I choose to be intentionally aware of His goodness, strive to be vocal in my gratitude and am forthcoming with my foibles. This is how I’ve come to ‘pray continually’ as the Apostle Paul urges us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18. I used to think people who prayed for a parking space or asked God what clothes they should wear were weird, but I do that now, and I think it’s wonderful. Maybe I’m just weird, but these seemingly insignificant moments make me aware of bringing God into my every waking moment.
In what ways can you intentionally invite Jesus into the everyday moments of your life? I start my day with a time of stillness where I read my Bible and give the day to the One who made it. I ask God to help me stay close and be aware of him throughout. And then, I look for him in everything. Be on the lookout for your Maker today and acknowledge him with a thankful heart – that’s prayer.

Ruth O’Reilly-Smith was born in South Africa and has lived in the UK since 1999. Here she met and married her husband and they have twin boy and girl. Ruth started as radio broadcaster in 1995 and currently hosts a weekday radio show called, This Is My Story on UCB2, which is part of United Christian Broadcasters, a global Christian media charity. Ruth also enjoys writing and wrote for the Our Daily Bread Ministries publication for a number of years. She’s author of God Speaks – 40 Letters From The Father’s Heart, published by Authentic Media. You can read more of Ruth on her website, which is also where she posts regular Bible study blogs. Ruth’s Christian faith is central to all she does and her heart is to communicate God’s love in as tangible a way as possible. Find her at her website, on Twitter, and on Instagram.
Order 7 Ways to Pray here, including in the US, UK, and Australia. You’ll also find lots of resources for small groups – videos and a leader’s guide – here.