Join me for a seven-week online retreat on 7 Ways to Pray!

Would you like to explore seven ways to pray, under the guidance of a seasoned retreat leader? Join me in engaging with time-tested prayer practices as outlined in my new book, 7 Ways to Pray. You’ll not only learn more about these ways to pray in a nonthreatening setting, but you’ll have plenty of time to try them out—and thus to encounter our loving God.
- 7 sessions on zoom, either joining live or watching later (each session no longer than 60 minutes)
- An exploration of the prayer practice with plenty of time to try it out, reflect, and share
- Downloadable resources, including a prayer journal
- A private FB group for you to get to know the other participants (optional)
Two streams, Tuesdays or Saturdays:
Tuesdays from 8-9pm in the UK (3-4pm, EDT; 12-1pm PDT)
7, 14, 21, 28 September; 5, 12, 19 October
Saturdays from 10-11am, Eastern daylight time (7–8am PDT; 3–4pm UK)
September 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23
(I’m sorry that these times aren’t very friendly to those in Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. I know some lovely ones there who might want to join in. I’d love to run a retreat for you if we could get enough people together; let me know if you’re a people-gatherer and can help make this happen.)
How much:
The suggested cost is £60/$80, but you’re free to subsidize others or to receive the generosity of others. I’m trying to keep it simple as possible while having some options to give or receive:
- Sign up in the store if you are paying the suggested cost of £60 in pound sterling.
- If you are paying the suggested amount in US dollars, please send $80 to me via PayPal through this link (and tick the box you’re receiving a service) and email me to let me know you are coming at
- If you want to subsidize others or be subsidized, then send me an email at to confirm that you are attending the course and I will sign you up. You can send money in US dollars to me via PayPal through this link or money in pound sterling to me at this link. (Or email me for bank details for a transfer to avoid PayPal charges.)
- If finances preclude you coming, please join without paying. Email me at to let me know you are attending.
- Does your small group want to join together? Be in touch and we can work out a group rate. (See below for more ideas for small groups.)
Week 1
Praying with the Bible (personalizing Scripture, poetry, and others)
Week 2
Praying through the Bible (lectio divina – a four-step way to digest God’s word)
Week 3
Practicing the Presence (exploring the indwelling of God and unceasing prayer)
Week 4
Hearing God (including learning to discern God’s voice)
Week 5
Lament (crying out to God when life doesn’t go as we hoped)
Week 6
Imaginative prayer (placing ourselves in the stories of Jesus with our imaginations)
Week 7
Examen (looking back to discern how we’re moving toward or away from God)
Next steps:
Please sign up! I’ll be in touch in early September to send you the link to the private Facebook group, and you’ll also receive your zoom details and downloadable resources.
Ideas for small groups:
Want to join as a small group? Let me know and we can arrange for you to be in break-out rooms together. Also, you could follow the example of a group that will gather via their own zoom link for a half-hour prior to our meeting to catch up and share how the prayer journey is going.
About your sponsor:
Coracle, who is generously sponsoring this retreat, is the wonderful organization out of Virginia with whom I’ve just become a spiritual director. They exist to inspire and enable people to be the presence of God in the world by offering spiritual formation and Kingdom action. They help people become who they are in Christ so that through Christ they can bring God’s kingdom to a broken world through their lives, relationships, vocations, service, and risks.
About your host:

Amy Boucher Pye is a writer, speaker, retreat leader, and spiritual director. She’s the author of 7 Ways to Pray and other books, including the award-winning Finding Myself in Britain. She loves writing devotional thoughts, including for the globally recognized Our Daily Bread, and runs the Woman Alive book club. She received her MA in Christian spirituality from Heythrop College, University of London. She regularly leads retreats at El Palmeral in Spain, Lee Abbey, Devon, and Penhurst Retreat Centre in East Sussex.