The Lord is my Surgeon

I love personalizing Psalm 23 according to what I’m going through. You can see various examples in this post about the Lord as my Teacher, with links to other examples too.
This rendition is perhaps the most personal as I get my hip replaced! Thank you to all those who have sent encouraging comments and who are praying for me and my family. I’m so grateful.
The Lord is my surgeon, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in a hospital bed, he leads me to a clean environment, he repairs my body. He guides me to just the right medical care for his name’s sake. Even though I enter the scary sterile theatre, I will fear no complications, for you are with me; your scalpel and your saw, they comfort me. You prepare a tray of nourishing food in the presence of my medical team. You wrap me in bandages; my body is safe. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days in my life, and I will dwell in the healing house of the Lord forever. After Psalm 23 (c) 2020 Amy Boucher Pye
I’ve been thinking of you over the last few days and saying a prayer for you. Hope your comfortable and healing and that your family are well. I enjoy your blog and news letter.
Joy, I’m so sorry it’s taken me ages to respond! Thank you so much for you prayers and good wishes. I’m recovering well! I hope you have a joyous Christmas.
This is a lovely, way to personalize scripture, Amy!