Let’s Read! The Woman Alive summer reading challenge and readers’ choice awards

What could be better than sinking into a great read this summer? The days are long and I hope you’ve got some space and time to enjoy a cozy novel or to dive into a mind-expanding nonfiction book. To help you, we at Woman Alive have devised the 2019 summer reading challenge. It’s an easy and fun way to be more intentional about broadening out what you read this summer.
And please, if you haven’t already voted in the Woman Alive Readers’ Choice awards, please do so soon, as the closing date is 25 July. More details below.
So the reading challenge… Above is a bingo card with options of what you can choose to read this summer. Be a winner by filling in the squares along one row, including diagonally, or be a super winner by filling all the squares. One book counts for only one square, please! Start now and aim to finish by the end of August, for we will do a roundup starting in September. You could make your own bingo card for any kids in your life to give them a fun summertime challenge too.
Find more details, including a list of all the books featured in Woman Alive over the last year, at the Woman Alive book club Facebook group.

We are also super excited about the Woman Alive Readers’ Choice awards. Jackie Harris, the editor of Woman Alive, and I have curated the list from books that have appeared in the magazine over the past year, and there are 20 great books to choose from. Please note we would like a short review of the book you’re voting for. You can find full details on the Woman Alive website so please join in. Your vote will make a big difference!
Do share – what are you reading?