Weekly Devotional: God’s call (14 in Romans series)

I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done –by the power of signs and wonders, through the power of the Spirit of God. Romans 15:14–22 (NIV)
As Paul wraps up his letter to the Romans, he adds the longest of his closing remarks in any of his letters – partly, scholars think, because he had never visited this church before. He tells of upcoming travel plans and implores the church to support his missionary efforts. Note his laser-like focus on what he perceives as God’s calling on his life – that he’s a “minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles” (v.16). He has, with God, determined what his unique mission is in life, and all that he does reflects that calling, as powered by the Spirit.
Have you considered what your special calling is from God – what your mission is in life? When we have a sense of what this is, we can more easily say “yes” or “no” to requests that we receive. Of course sometimes we need to help out at church or in the community when it’s outside of our immediate calling and gifts because of the needs and lack of resources – such as me and the children’s ministry at church. But we feel most alive when we are doing what God calls us to do – whether that’s providing meals for the homeless or leading a business or running a toddler group.
If you’d like to explore this issue more, I highly recommend Os Guinness’s book The Call (Nelson, 2003). In a series of short chapters and engaging stories, he examines not only our calling, but the One who calls us and loves us.
Now to him who is able to establish us in accordance with Paul’s gospel, the message he proclaims about Jesus Christ, to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen (after Romans 16:25–27).
Prayer: Giving Father, loving Son, and comforting Holy Spirit, thank you for your never-ending love for me. May I live and love and learn and bring you glory, now and always.