Weekly Devotional: The weak and the strong (13 in Romans series)

You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. Romans 14—15:13 (NIV)
Some friends of ours are Christians who have come to Christ out of their Hindu background. Having been vegetarians their whole lives, they continue the practice of not eating meat – but as one of them says, “Of course, now that we follow Christ we could eat meat if we wanted to.” I appreciate the way he states the matter – although he no longer is under the laws of Hinduism, he now neither is forced to eat meat nor forced to abstain. He has freedom in Christ.
Paul was concerned about the division in the church at Rome, mainly between the Gentile and Jewish Christians and how the former were looking down on the latter for sticking to their lifelong practices of following the Jewish dietary laws. Paul has words of exhortation to both parties – to the Gentile Christians he says stop showing contempt, and to the Jewish Christians he says don’t judge those who eat everything. After all, God alone is our Judge and we should leave the pronouncements to him.
We might find ourselves falling into bad habits of judging in little, subtle ways – perhaps we don’t shop on Sundays but we know other who Christians do. Or we hold to a doctrine of belief that others disagree with, and we’re certain that we are right and they are not. Whatever the matter, we can follow Paul’s instruction to seek the kingdom of God, which is filled with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (v.17) as we “make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (v.19).
For reflection: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
I don’t shop on Sundays, I am no longer allowed to be a communion assistant at church because I disagree on one point!!
Oh, I’m sorry about you not being able to help with communion; that’s sad to me. We don’t shop on Sundays either – well, generally not. I must confess I sometimes do when I’m Stateside!
Amy, this was a timely post for me. On our return flight from Paris to Minneapolis, there was a couple ahead of us. By the way they were dressed I could tell they were from India. When the flight attendant asked if they would like something to drink, they answered back that they could not not have gluten or anything to do with animals. I realized there is a whole world of people who are different from me and I need to be cognizant of that more often. Thanks, as always, for directing us toward Scripture. Have a great day.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Julie! I love how God brings us more and more aware of the people he’s created. I hope your jetlag isn’t too much!