Weekly Devotional: Submitting to authority (11 in Romans series)

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1–10 (NIV)
This passage has sparked much debate over the years. Namely, when Paul calls for obedience to the government authorities, does he therefore imply that we need to obey a tyrant such as Hitler and Stalin? The agreed answer is “no” – although Paul calls for the Roman Christians to be “subject to the governing authorities,” he doesn’t have in mind that they move outside of God’s laws and practices in their obedience.
I find it interesting that so much ink has been spilled on the exception to this rule, rather than us discussing what submission to the state means. We need just and good governments in the world to exercise authority, and perhaps in the West we take for granted all the good that we have in our governments – especially when we can so easily see the failings in our political systems. But to live in a country where the rule of law is observed, where individuals are presumed innocent until found guilty, where education and health and safe roads and so on are provided through our taxes, is a gift we often overlook.
How can you pray for your government today in its local and national expressions? Or the ruling authorities of other countries, which you know to be corrupt or bankrupt? Perhaps you could become involved in local affairs, or with a national political party. Christians will fall along the whole spectrum of political commitments, but we should be voicing our views and embodying God’s truth as we try to make the world a better place.
Prayer: Father God, you are the fairest Judge and you rule with wisdom and grace. May those in authority over us exercise your wisdom and justice.
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