Remembering Michael Green

I was a commissioning editor at HarperCollins UK at the turn of the millennium when I was given the delightful job of working with Michael Green. It was Graham Tomlin, who was then at Wycliffe Hall with Michael, who spurred him on to pen his reflections over what was then fifty years of ministry. Michael came into the offices in Central London, his twinkling eyes and cheery disposition shining. We hit it off, and I was so delighted to have the honour of helping him shape his memoirs.
Adventure of Faith is a rich romp through fifty years of God’s faithfulness to Michael and Rosemary. He shares wonderful stories of being at the right place at the right time – such as how he published The Truth of God Incarnate, a response to the shocking The Myth of God Incarnate in a mere 6 weeks! Or how he and Rosemary followed God’s call to the frozen north of Canada, what he called his adopted country, or later to help pastor a church in North Carolina. Of preaching on the streets and engaging in academia. Of writing book after book during a heyday of Christian publishing. Edward England was the visionary publisher at Hodder then, and he and Michael produced many a work that equipped Christians in being faithful disciples of Christ.
Often when I’m preparing a chicken I think of Michael – strange, but sometimes those seemingly little actions can communicate volumes. Mark Greene tells the story of Michael coming to dinner with his parents. They were struck by the care that Michael took in carving the chicken and remarked over it, to which he replied something along the lines of, this chicken gave its life for us; shouldn’t we be grateful and respect it?
Rest in peace and rise in glory, friend.
I was privileged to speak with him a couple of weeks ago about his latest book manuscript. He was upbeat and excited about it and shared his excitement in speaking later that day at an evangelistic event. He sounded 29 not 89. A unique and precious man.
What a privilege! I hope his manuscript was done. I loved that ‘eternal child’ in him. So glad you were his publisher!
Thanks for this story, Amy. I have enjoyed reading his books over the years although I never met him in person. In fact, it was two days after he died before the news caught up with me. What a shame that his passing wasn’t even mentioned in the media when he was such a great person. I know his name will be mentioned much in heaven as it should be.
Sheila, thanks for your comment. Yes, I agree – he will be lauded in heaven!