Celebrating the ninth day of Christmas: Countercultural celebrations

Today, on the ninth day of Christmas, it feels countercultural to celebrate the season. Part of me would like to take down the Christmas decorations while cleaning and doing some decluttering. The newness of the year feels like a push toward embracing all things clean and fresh.
So sometimes it feels like a discipline to celebrate and feast. I’m keenly aware of those who are grieving or going through other difficulties, who need God’s grace to get through this season, and are probably finding it hard to celebrate. They may be echoing Psalm 137:4: “How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?” If that’s you, I pray you’ll find a hint of celebration through rest and recovery.
For me, as we only have twelve days of Christmas, I’m going to seek to embrace the gift that they are – while doing a bit of decluttering and vacuuming by the Christmas tree.
How are you approaching celebrating on this ninth day?
Church and social AM – coffee with the guys to discuss scripture readings for the Sunday – of course sports, etc. Then to Mass, and coffee with the retirees
Sounds a great way to mark the day!
Took family who are heading home to Italy back to the airport, then home to put feet up and read Michelle Obama’s book!
Took family who are returning to Italy back to the airport, then home to put feet up and read Michelle Obama’s book!
So glad you could have some wonderful family time! And now to rest is fabulous too.