Celebrating the eighth day of Christmas: Happy new year!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)
We enter 2019 with hopes and dreams, and perhaps some fears. May we know God’s loving presence as we journey through the seasons, that he might strengthen our faith and dispel the fears.
Here’s a prayer inspired by George Dawson, the English nonconformist (1821–1876), that you might want to join me in praying:
Almighty God, have mercy on us, who, when troubled with the things that are past, lose faith, life, courage, and hope.
So have mercy on us, and uphold us.
Sustain us with a true faith, knowing that you are merciful and forgiving.
Help us to live according to your word, to rejoice in your goodness, to trust in your mercy, and to hope in life with you that never ends.
Help us, whatever we’re going through, to remember that you guide us and lead us.
And in the darkest days, may we know your presence so that we will have courage to go on, faith to endure, patience to bear, and hopefulness to hold out, even unto the end.
(Original found in Great Souls at Prayer, compiled by Mary W. Tileston, [Cambridge: James Clark & Co., 1898]).