
Watercolor Wednesday: Pausing to breathe and wonder

By Leo Boucher. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Pause for a moment and breathe. Imagine you’re on a calm lake, and the sun will soon set. Hints of the glorious colors the sky will morph into in moments appear, the pinks and reds beckoning. You inhale the sweet scent of calm, wanting to enjoy the moment, reveling in the wonder of God’s creation. You let your cares fall away, even if for just a short slice of time. You whisper a prayer of thanks, that God has given you this gift of being, of enjoying, of wonder.

2 Responses

  1. Chris

    That wouldn’t work for me, I like being by the water, but not on the water because I can’t swim!!

    1. For you, we say, imagine you feel safe on the water… You pause a moment and breathe…

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