Five Minute Friday: Longing to be complete

Photo: Oliver Tacke, flickr
Is anything ever really finished, complete?
We work on decreasing our bursting inbox, and even though we may reach that vaunted zero status, what happens? People start replying to those emails. In droves. Meaning we have even more emails to reply to. (When was the last time I reached zero status? I don’t rightly recall.)
Or we get the house clean and decluttered. Dust removed, piles of papers sorted, toys put away, given away, thrown away. Then someone slops on the carpet or doesn’t clean up their toast crumbs, and boom, the house is messy again. (When was the last time the vicarage was fully clean? I don’t rightly recall.)
Or, here’s a favorite, we get fully caught up on our admin. The taxes are done! The accounts fully up to date! Insurance of every kind has been renewed. Appointments for all sorts of anything have been made. (When was the last time we got all the admin done? I don’t rightly recall.)
Life in all its pieces can feel overwhelming at times. I suppose I cram so much in, whether it be family times and travel, or work projects, that these life maintenance sorts of things can get easily edged out. Along with the fact that I don’t enjoy many of these tasks.
A bigger issue is that on this side of heaven, life will never be complete. We’ll never reach perfection – there will always be something else to do. But our longings remind us of the perfection that awaits us when we join God in glory. When the taxes will no longer be an issue and everything will be clean and shiny.
Until then, we experience moments of transcendence through the love of God with us moment by moment. And that is enough.
I am taking part in the #fiveminutefriday community. To write your own and link up with the other writers, you can do so here.
It has to be doesnt it
My email inbox as a symbol of incompleteness. I think my zero status will be a sign I’m in heaven in the presence of God. Thanks for writing! FMF12
So true- as soon as we feel like we’ve completed a task it begins to build up again. It’s the same with cleaning- you complete it but very soon have to begin again. It is a good reminder thought that our lives will never be complete on earth but that we have amazing hope for the future!
The need to keep cleaning really gets me down!
The thing I have learned through dying is that my best efforts are a completeness in themselves.
Having done all, to stand.
#1 at FMF this week.
You’re right, there’s always more to do. For many years I believed the lie that I would only be valued if I completed everything. After a breakdown I tossed that lie and can now say, “yes, there is more, but I don’t care. For now, there’s time for people and for rest.” Best choice ever.
I love how intentional you are in choosing not to be bound by the lie. Wonderful!
Enough indeed! Visiting from the #4 spot this week.