Five Minute Friday: Inclusion and embrace

I see the blending of the cultures giving a richness and depth, as Nicholas and I have experienced in our own lives. At times it’s difficult – such as when Thanksgiving is just another day here – but with some intentionality, both cultures can be honored and embraced.
Have you included a cultural practice from another land into your life?
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. You can find today’s prompt here.
If you’d like to read more of my adventures in the UK, I’ve written Finding Myself in Britain. It even won two awards!
I had my doubts at first as Meghan is divorced, but I hope they will be happy. I am excited about the wedding and will be watching on TV.
I hope it works for them too!
Very nice, Amy! I am German by passport but grew up in Uganda and South Africa while also having lived in the US for a while. So my life is a colourful mixture of a bit of everything. I cook food from all over, I love introducing people to Thanksgiving and I love learning about other cultures and its people.
And yes, the wedding is a big deal over here in Germany as well (even though we have no part in it…).
Your FMF neighbor
A royal wedding is always exciting…but, I have to admit, I’m about ready for it to be over. The American media can make just about anything tiresome:( Sigh.
From what I’ve heard on my Facebook page, the hype is bigger on your side of the Atlantic than over here… Interesting!
Our Gospel Choir is finishing Saturday rehearsal (prep for a Gareth Malone concert!) early so we can rush to our television screens!