
Five Minute Friday: Not settling for less

Today’s Five-minute Friday prompt is settle. As in, “She really settled,” said the snide friend about another. Or, “Settle down!” said the mom to her rambunctious child.

A bit of an odd prompt for this Good Friday, I thought, but then I did a quick internet search and came up with the second definition:

To pay in full.

To settle the debt.

It’s all settled.

And that’s a good way to look at Good Friday. Jesus died to settle our debt with the Father, that we might enjoy life in the kingdom, from the moment we ask him into our lives.

We certainly don’t settle for less. Rather, we embrace life in all of its fullness.

May you know the loving glance of the Father, who sent his only Son to die that we might live.

May you know the refreshing embrace of the Savior, who loves us so much that he bled for us.

May you experience the comforting refreshment of the Spirit, whose gentle breeze brings peace.

And may you remember that you’re not settling for less when Jesus settled your debt.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. You can find today’s prompt here.

5 Responses

  1. You caught the spirit of Easter, Amy. Great job!

  2. This is beautiful, Amy! Happy Easter!

  3. Beautiful words to ponder this Good Friday! I haven’t seen you around the FMF link up before! If you’re new, welcome! If you’ve been around, I’m glad I clicked on your link! I spent a summer in London–loved it!

    1. Thanks for popping over, Anita! I’ve been in and out of FMF for a couple of months – your website looks familiar so I’ve definitely read some of your posts and I hope commented too. London is great, isn’t it! Bless you.

  4. Tara

    Amen! I started singing Jesus paid it all as I read your post. I’m your neighbor at FMF this week.

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