Watercolor Wednesday: The Color of Life
Color makes for intrigue – just look at the splashes of vibrancy my dad uses in this painting. Why not turn his artwork into a writing prompt? Who is this woman? Who or what is she waiting for, and why? What happens next, and what went on before?
Her house was too empty. Her children in their own homes and widowed for two years, the silence hurt her ears. She found her purse and set off for Main Street.
Her blue outfit reflected her mood, but soon the warm sunshine on her face and the cup of coffee warmed her spirits. Thankful that she still had her health, she sent a silent thank you to her heavenly Father.
Folks might consider her unconventional to be sitting at a street-side table in the heat of the midday, but it was the best way to spot a friend or someone who looked as alone as she was.
Oh Violet, I love your story! Thank you! You’ve brightened my day.
Glad you enjoyed it. I couldn’t resist the challenge you gave us. I love to write, so I wrote. But after sending it I hoped that it wouldn’t upset your father’s purpose.
I believe my dad loves to hear all of the interpretations of his art, and wouldn’t be upset – he loves (like I do) that people are engaging with his creations. Thank you!