Watercolor Wednesday: Harnessing the Wind

I’ve been remiss in sharing my dad’s paintings! Sorry if you’ve missed the way he expresses what he sees through his art. I’m back, and promise to be more consistent.
I love this sailboat painting of his – it’s a biggish work that we have hanging in our hallway. I see motion and freedom and the power of the wind harnessed.
What do you see?
I see peace, which is surprising. I don’t like being on the water because I can’t swim! But I love living near the sea
I’m glad this speaks peace to you!
I see an adventure. Maybe it’s just a peaceful day on the water, catching fish, then cooking them on the beach for a picnic dinner, and a quiet sail back home at sunset, or maybe just a quick run across the bay for shopping and dinner., or a fun day of jumping off and swimming and getting sunburned. Anyway, at the end of the day, you go to sleep still feeling that rocking motion even though you’re on land again, and still tasting salty even though you’ve showered, and with a lovely memeory tucked away in your heart.
Oh what a gorgeous picture! I wish I could enjoy a day like that, but I get so much travel sick that a day on a sailboat wouldn’t be too enjoyable. But I love the idea of still tasting the salt and feeling the waves…
I see a boat gliding into a safe harbor after being at sea for a long time
I love that interpretation too.
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