
Praising God with All the Letters: An Acrostic Poem

The view from where I sit. Many I know will have to miss church today because of this lovely snow.

I had to miss church this morning as our daughter isn’t well, so I spent some time writing an acrostic poem, inspired by Psalm 145. David used all of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in order, to sing his praises to God. I’m no King David, but I enjoyed the challenge.

Amazing are you, Lord!
Because of your great love, you’ve given me life.
Can I ever exhaust the wonders of who you are?
Day by day I will sing your praises;
Everything within me gives you thanks,
For you are worthy of praise.
Great are you, Lord; so great are you!
Holy are you; all the earth worships you in wonder,
I will sing and shout from the rooftops!
Joy reverberates throughout me, for you are good.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
Light my path, that I may forever follow you;
Make my way straight, that I will not veer off course.
No longer do I despair, for you will love me forever;
Oh worship God always and without end!
Praise to you, King of Kings,
Quite how I will restrain myself, I do not know!
Rejoicing I will be as I ponder your greatness,
Singing songs of gladness and praise,
Thanking you for rescuing me from the muck of sin.
Upon you I set my mind that I will not be swayed,
Voicing my worries and anxious thoughts
While wondering at your great mercies.
Xenial you are, welcoming me to your table,
You set a place for me to come and eat and be satisfied.
Zealous will be I about your name; I praise you forever!

© 2017 by Amy Boucher Pye

2 Responses

  1. Jeff Beech-Garwood

    Loved it,

  2. Pingback : Amy Boucher Pye » Weekly Devotional: My soul magnifies the Lord by Amy Robinson

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