Devotional of the Week: Fenced In

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. (Psalm 16)
When taking a walk in Minnesota, I noticed a sign: “Dog protected by invisible fence.” Though no barking canine rushed toward me, I knew had there been one, I would have been safe – contrary to the ironic sign.
As I considered this fence that I couldn’t see, I thought of Psalm 16, for in it David says, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places” (v. 6). What boundary lines? David likely wrote this song when he was on the run from Saul, facing the trials of living in a foreign country and dwelling among wild animals.
David is speaking poetically of the Lord’s goodness to him. Through the challenges he faced over the years, such as guarding sheep from predators, his faith in God became solid and mature. Because he trusted the Lord, he knew that although he endured trials and hardship, his situation was secure. He found contentment in the Lord’s goodness to him.
Perhaps you can relate to David as one who is harassed and on the run. Whether frightened or content, we can ask God for eyes to see the boundary lines he has drawn for us. We can rest in the knowledge that he himself is our security and safe haven in this life and in the life to come. We root our hope and confidence in Christ.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for the gift of salvation, which imparts to us our security in this life and in the next. May we share this gift today.