Glimpses of wonder: Photos from Spain
In Spain I try to take photographs that make me pause. The beauty of people and a much different climate and plants that I’m used to jolt me into wonder and thanks to a God who oozes creativity. Enjoy these photos, perhaps pausing to ponder.

Most mornings I’d be greeted by an amazing sunrise. “Morning by morning, new mercies I see…”

Many of our free moments were spent enjoying the pool.

Sun rising behind the cacti.

Date palm trees.

Makes me think of Jesus turning water into wine.

These flowers smell as good as they look! There’s a wall of them close to one of the sunloungers I enjoyed making my own. (Hey, I am 1/4 German. And I wasn’t keeping anyone from ‘their’ sunlounger!)

A close-up.

Gorgeous fresh figs with honey and blue cheese. Scrumptious.

Lovely kebabs.

Hmm… this retreat leading gig isn’t so bad…

The lady, glowing in the night.

Chapel forms an integral and special part of any visit to El Palmeral. Celtic morning prayer and compline provide the framework.
Very lovely Amy.