
Devotional of the Week: Jubilation (5 in Psalm 98 series)

Photo: Mesut Sahin, flickr

Photo: Mesut Sahin, flickr

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music… Psalm 98:4

Music can touch a deep part of our beings, opening up locked-down emotions and bringing forth memories we had forgotten. Perhaps when we sing or play instruments, we’re able to shut off a rational part of our brain as we enter more fully into the experience. The Lord through his Holy Spirit can touch us deeply with his love and healing grace.

Here in this third stanza of Psalm 98 the psalmist not only comments on the wonder of the power of music in worshipping God, but he commands us to join the earth in bursting into jubilant song. At times we might not feel like singing or playing an instrument, but as we worship through our wills, putting our feelings aside, the Lord can to change our emotions. He can bestow peace where there has been disquiet; he can soften our hard hearts, bringing repentance; he can soothe anxious feelings with the gentle sound of the harp, as with David playing for Saul (see 1 Samuel 16:14–23).

Music can calm us or energize us. Through it we can pour out our praise and worship to the living, loving God. May we this day, as we wait for the coming of Jesus, lift high the Lord – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you came to earth as a baby and lived as God and Man. We praise you with our songs. Amen.

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