Devotional of the Week: Never-ending Love (4 in Psalm 98 series)

Photo: Chris R., flickr
He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel… Psalm 98:3
Today in celebrity culture we see the phenomenon of the “starter marriage,” so called because people view their first marriage as a stepping stone to move up the social scale as they find a more affluent mate. The qualities of love, faithfulness and commitment lose power as the current spouse is tossed aside for the new one.
I admit my example is extreme, and not one I’ve seen in Christian circles – and I don’t want to incite pain by mentioning broken marriages, for we live in a fallen world where followers of Jesus suffer betrayal too. But though we fail, we know that the Lord will never stop loving us or being committed to us. He will never tire of us, disposing of us in the quest for the bigger or better or more accomplished. His love remains.
Do we believe this at the level of our hearts? Do we live out of the assurance that the Lord’s love is foundational for our lives? If we find we are struggling to believe God’s promises, a simple exercise can impart deep-reaching change. That is, write out the Lord’s promises in Scripture as if he is speaking them directly to us, inserting our name. So with Psalm 98:3, I would say, “He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Amy.” Something to try?
Prayer: Your love, Lord, never ends. Your faithfulness, Father God, remains. Your grace fills my soul, and I am home. Amen.