Devotional of the week: A Father and Son (4 in Genesis 22 series)

Pieter Lastman: The Angel of the Lord Preventing Abraham from Sacrificing his Son Isaac
“God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” Genesis 22:8
This week, reread our passage from Isaac’s point of view. What do you think he felt as he and his father walk toward the place of sacrifice, no animal in sight to offer to the Lord? I wonder if he had a sense of foreboding, or if that came later, when Abraham tied him to the altar. Here we see a conversation between son and father, one that echoes the loving relationship of Abraham to the Lord. As Abraham trusts his heavenly Father, knowing that he will be true to his promises, so Isaac has confidence in the character of his earthly father. For each, trust comes from their relationships.
Some questions to consider in the light of this passage: What might be an “Isaac” you need to lay down at the altar of the Lord? Is there something in your life that threatens to overtake your relationship with God as your primary source of love, affirmation and belonging? You could write down anything that comes to mind, setting it at the foot of the cross while you ask God to take his rightful place in your heart. Or think about relationships close to you – which mirror that of Abraham and Isaac? That of Abraham and the Lord? Take some time asking God to shine his holy light on your life, that you might experience his freedom and joy.
Prayer: Lord, we want to trust and obey you. Reveal whatever hinders our walk with you. Amen.
My eating!!