
The Art of Celebration – Giving Thanks at my Book Launch

Finding Myself in Britain book launch #5Celebration is such an important spiritual discipline, but we often overlook it. Perhaps we feel indulgent if we are celebrating an accomplishment – such as the publication of my book. But I’m all for celebration, and I know that Finding Myself in Britain was written only with the help of so many people – those at the publisher (MD, editors, typesetters, proofreaders, designers, marketers and sales people) as well as friends and family (reviewers, readers, encouragers, putter-up-ers-when-she’s-cranky!). So it was right and good and wonderful to launch my book-baby into the world on Sunday at our church.
Our church - the setting for the book launch.

Our church – the setting for the book launch.

Later I may post the link to my sermon – or maybe not if I feel shy! (I don’t have the copy yet.) It was a privilege to preach on Matthew 10, the calling of the apostles to share the good news of Jesus. He outlines to them some of the challenges they will face, and he calls for their complete devotion. One of the key verses I was speaking on was Matthew 10:39: “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” For as I’ve “lost” my life by moving to Britain, I’ve actually found it.

The all-important set-up. Showing off the Stars and Stripes to my friend, with a flourish.

The all-important set-up. Showing off the Stars and Stripes to my friend Esther Clift, with a flourish.

Me with Marketing Queen, Kate Beaton. I think she was instructing me on the best way to read a book.

Me with Marketing Queen, Kate Beaton. I think she was instructing me on the best way to read a book.

It's not all drudgery! With Becky Fawcett, who managed the editorial process and among other things kept my i's dotted and t's crossed. She was a huge help with the recipes, helping me translate them into British measurements and even testing many of them out.

It’s not all drudgery! With Becky Fawcett, who managed the editorial process and among other things kept my i’s dotted and t’s crossed. She was a huge help with the recipes, helping me translate them into British measurements and even testing many of them out.

The sermon. My text wasn't Jonah, but he got a mention, as I never wanted to live outside of the States. Ha!

The sermon. My text wasn’t Jonah, but he got a mention, as I never wanted to live outside of the States. Ha!

Nicholas interviewing me after the sermon. He normally only wears "proper" shoes, but was wearing tennis shoes (UK: trainers) only because his ankle is still healing up after the summer's fracture.

Nicholas interviewing me after the sermon. He normally only wears “proper” shoes, but was wearing tennis shoes (UK: trainers) only because his ankle is still healing up after the summer’s fracture.

It was a lovely full house! (The couches are the creche area.)

It was a lovely full house! (The couches are the creche area to make families with small children welcome.)

After the service I got to sign books – what a joy and a privilege that was! Seeing my book-baby going into the hands of so many whom I love was a humbling honor and delight. We were especially delighted to welcome our closest friends in the UK – from Staffordshire and Gloucestshire and Southampton and outside London.

Signing books, which was such fun. PyelotBoy and CutiePyeGirl were my helpers.

Signing books, which was such fun. PyelotBoy and CutiePyeGirl were my helpers.

We had a fantastic buffet lunch with lots of lovely chicken (made by the wonderful Alie Teale), salads (my friends indulged me and made some of the recipes from the book) and desserts – also with an American theme (and thus they were not that day called “puddings”). Oreo cheesecake and Oreo truffles and brownies and blonde brownies and red velvet cake and rice krispy treats and even (one of my favorites) a Costco cake.


What a fantastic spread.

What a fantastic spread.


Desserts! I don’t think anyone left hungry.

A particularly tasty salad, in my book.

A particularly tasty salad, in my book.


The flowers representing my fantabulous friends forever (sent to me by my dear high-school friends)

The flowers representing my fantabulous friends forever (sent to me by my dear high-school friends)

With my editor Jennie Pollock, who pushed me after I'd already rewritten the thing 3 times. I'm so glad she did!

With my editor Jennie Pollock, who pushed me after I’d already rewritten the thing 3 times. I’m so glad she did!

I have to include this photo from the Christian Resources Together retreat, in which I made Authentic Meda's MD, Steve Mitchell, pose with me. The book never would have been born without his vision, commitment, and encouragement. I'm so grateful.

I have to include this photo from the Christian Resources Together retreat, in which I made Authentic Meda’s MD, Steve Mitchell, pose with me (for he wasn’t able to be at the launch). Finding Myself in Britain never would have been born without his vision, commitment, and encouragement. I’m so grateful.

Book-baby, go well. I give thanks you’re out there in the world.

3 Responses

  1. Lovely post, Amy! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you!!! I’m so excited for you!

    1. Thank you Gayl! Would have been so fun if you could have come. Hopefully some day!

  2. I loved seeing all these photos! (And glad you explained why Nick was wearing trainers…)

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