
A song in a foreign land – a poem

This morning I’m digging into one of my favorite activities – writing some Bible reading notes. This will be a set for Inspiring Women Every Day, for the month of November 2015, on the theme of foreigners and strangers. After the Garden of Eden, we’re all strangers now. Here’s a little poem I wrote as I reflected on Psalm 137. Do you feel foreign?


DSCN8576By the rivers we sat
By the water we wept
Water rushing by
Tears upon our face
Zion we remembered
Jerusalem, our home
On the trees our harps
No songs to sing
But our captors demanded
Our tormentors said to sing
“Sing us a song of Zion!”
“Sing us a song, now!”
But how can we sing?
How the songs of the Lord
In a foreign land?
How can we sing?
If we forget our home
May our tongues not move
Our highest joy, Jerusalem
With God, our home, at peace.
© 2015 by Amy Boucher Pye

1 Response

  1. C. S. Lewis says says something about our longings for home being an evidence of heaven. He also says the longings we feel are better than the greatest joy–only he says it much better than that.

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