
Devotional of the week: Commissioned

“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Photo: Creative Commons, Gideon

Photo: Creative Commons, Gideon

I’ve had the above verse hanging on my wall for years, for it reminds me that God empowers us to bring his love to a hurting world. We might not even have to move geographically.

Now that Isaiah has been purified, he of clean lips will speak God’s message to the Israelites. He volunteers for the task, though at times the road will be rocky. For his is a message of God’s judgment, for the people have hardened their hearts. If they repent, the Lord will hear their cries for mercy and will release them from their sin.

During this seven-week series on the prophet Isaiah, we’ve seen how his cleansing experience prepared him for his work of service. When the curtains opened, he was humbled to see the true and living God in all of his glory, and he realized the extent of his sinfulness. But God redeemed him and enabled him to speak on his behalf.

Similarly, God has work for each of us. How is he calling you to use your unique combination of gifts, wisdom, experience, and passions to love his hurting world? Might he have placed you just where you are to love a certain neighbor or colleague? Or might he be calling you somewhere else to start a new work?

May we be attuned to his Holy Spirit, that we might be ready and willing to answer his call.

Prayer: Lord God, send us out in the world to love and serve you, speaking truth and love.

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