Devotional of the week – The Royal Family (3 in John 15-16 series)
My son has had a fascination with the British monarchy over the years, and I’ve learned much about kings and queens as we’ve visited royal palaces and read biographies. I simply cannot imagine one of these exalted persons lowering themselves to the level of a servant. And yet this is what Jesus – the King of Kings – did when during the Last Supper he washed the feet of his disciples. He, the Teacher and Lord, got dirty in the service of others. So too must we: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master” (John 13:15-16).
Now as Jesus talks about persecution, he hearkens back to his words about the servant/master relationship. We must serve one other, and because servants aren’t greater than their masters, we must expect to be treated with spite or taunting, as he did. We will not be exempt from suffering, for his Father did not spare him. But as we will see in an upcoming reading, God will send his Spirit to us – the Advocate and Counselor – who will fill us with his presence and speak on our behalf.
We may not be a member of the British royal family, but we are daughters and sons of the King. Though we may suffer, our adoption into his family is secure.
Prayer: Our Lord God and King, reign in our hearts today, that we might love and serve you.